Data Visualisation

Using Power BI Scorecards & Metrics Visuals

Last Updated:
November 16, 2022
Using Power BI Scorecards & Metrics Visuals

Goal setting is essential to ensure teams are accurately tracking progress against business objectives.  When a team’s performance is measured against a unified metric, employees have a clear target at which to aim their day-to-day workloads and, when this goal is met, they also have a definitive reason to celebrate success. Still, it can be difficult to clearly measure and maintain a team’s performance against an objective.  In this blog, we will explore how Power BI’s scorecards and metric visuals can help teams track key business metrics in a centralized report. 

Scorecard Overview

A scorecard allows a team to visualize their progress toward key performance indicators (KPIs).  Scorecards combine goals from various teams and departments into a visualization that allows organizations to view performance across multiple objectives in a centralized location.  

While a data analytics dashboard can contain many different visualizations that track various details on an organization’s KPIs, a scorecard combines a multitude of goal metrics into a single report that can help businesses quickly identify problematic areas and re-strategize where necessary. 

Power BI Scorecard tracking KPIs
sales scorecard example from Power BI Help Center

While any metric can be added to a Power BI scorecard, we recommend using metrics that measure progress toward a tangible target.  These metrics will vary by department.  The scorecard pictured above tracks a sales department’s goals.  The team has overarching revenue and sales pipeline goals, with smaller objectives that help the team progress toward these targets. While these types of rollup goals are not required in a scorecard, they do help break down and visualize the components that help a team achieve their ultimate objectives.  

The Power BI scorecard visual indicates whether or not a goal is on track or at risk—allowing teams to quickly redirect their focus to objectives that are falling behind. Additionally, Power BI scorecards are easy to share throughout a team or organization. They can be shared with individuals or teams directly, or a link to the scorecard can be copied to share with the broader organization. This provides visibility, encourages transparency, and can lead to increased productivity given that an entire team or organization has an awareness of lagging goals and can work together to develop a plan that can course-correct trailing metrics before it’s too late. 

Scorecards are also extremely useful in business meetings with an individual team or an entire organization. In standing team meetings, scorecards should be presented to ensure everyone understands how the team is progressing toward key objectives and that there is a plan in place to modify the team’s approach toward underperforming goals.  At company-wide meetings, scorecards are also a great way to present the organization’s progress toward the company’s overarching KPIs.  This helps individual teams understand how their work directly impacts company-wide objectives and can inspire productivity as well as a renewed sense of purpose in an individual employee’s day-to-day work. 

Creating Scorecards in Power BI Service:

To create a scorecard in Microsoft Power BI Service, navigate to the Metrics hub in Power BI’s main left-hand navigation panel: 

Power BI scorecard tracking KPIs
Power BI Service navigation panel

  1. Within the Metrics hub, you will have the ability to select ‘New scorecard’.  Here you can name your scorecard and dictate its owners:

Power BI scorecard tracking KPIs
creating a metric in Power BI Service

  1. Once you have created a scorecard, select ‘New metric’ and establish the metrics (or goals) that you want to track in the scorecard. You can manually set current and target values for your metrics. If manually setting the current and target values, you will also need to manually update these values over time.  You can, however, tie these values to data to ensure they are automatically updated. Below the ‘Current’ and ‘Final Target’ data input boxes, there is an option to ‘connect to data’. Clicking this link will walk you through a list of all accessible reports so that you can choose values to link to your regularly updated reports. 

Power BI scorecard tracking KPIs
setting metric targets in Power BI Service

  1. Once you have added all applicable metrics to your scorecard, established a metric’s status, and set date parameters around your goal, you can easily share your new scorecard with relevant parties in your organization. Simply select the ‘Share’ button in the scorecard action bar and follow the steps to copy the link or share it via Outlook/Teams:

Power BI scorecard tracking KPIs
sharing scorecards in Power BI Service

Using Metrics Visuals as a Scorecard in Power BI Desktop

To create a scorecard in Power BI Desktop, you can also leverage the metrics visual to establish the metrics that will be used in your scorecard. 

Metrics visuals can be thought of as the individual goals you would like to track. Scorecards are a way to group these metrics together. To establish metrics: 

  1. Select the metrics visual from the Power BI visualization options.  The icon for the metrics visual looks like a trophy. 

Power BI metrics visuals tracking goals
metrics visuals in Power BI Desktop

  1. To use metrics in a scorecard, add metrics to a list vs adding a single metric as a visual:

Power BI metrics visuals tracking goals
metrics visuals as a list in Power BI Desktop

  1. Choose ‘Create new’ to create brand new metrics for your scorecard.  If you have existing metrics you would like to use, you can utilize the ‘Browse metrics’ functionality to select from an existing list. 

Power BI metrics visuals tracking goals
creating a new metric in Power BI Desktop

Using Standalone Metrics Visuals in Power BI Desktop: 

An individual metric can show progress toward a goal without being used in a scorecard.  The metrics visual allows users to create an individual visualization for a goal with various visualization options that help end users easily evaluate progress toward a specific goal. 

Power BI metrics visuals tracking goals
Metrics visual example from Microsoft Power BI Help Center

  1. To add a single metric visual, the steps are the same as outlined above, however, you will select ‘Add a single metric as a visual’ vs selecting ‘Add multiple metrics as a list’. 

Power BI metrics visuals tracking goals
single metric visual in Power BI Desktop

Metrics visuals offer additional flexibility—allowing a single metric to be shared with members of your organization as opposed to sharing an entire scorecard. Additionally, team members can ‘follow’ an individual metric of interest and receive notifications when a metric is updated.  While scorecards are a great way to track progress across all goals on a team, individual metrics visuals can help a team dive further into a specific goal and easily identify trends over time. 


Power BI scorecards are a great way for teams to track progress and stay on target with key objectives.  Additionally, individual metrics visuals can help a team visualize and dive further into their progress toward a single goal.  Leveraging both scorecards and metrics visuals can help improve team collaboration, encourage productivity, and provide visibility into team performance.  Microsoft Power BI’s scorecard visualization options make it easy to track, update and share your team’s progress toward key business objectives. 

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